Thursday 31 March 2011

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Fat fat peopleWant to become the wealthiest person in the world? Just invent a magic bullet that will make fat people thin. It hasn’t happened yet, and it is unlikely to happen in our lifetimes. if ever. Nobody wants to be fat. Nobody sets out to become fat. Around the world, there are millions upon millions of fat people, most of them getting fatter, wanting to get skinnier, and more of these people are being created every day. Obesity is a pandemic, and a whole lot of people have caught the disease. If there were some easy way to get rid of fat, the world would be full of thin people. (Tips on how to get rid of fat)
The Skinny on Fat The reason it’s not easy to come up with a cure: weight loss is not a simple case of making the energy going out of one’s body equal to the energy going in. Consciously, we may want to lose weight. But in the subconscious, the body is being told "keep all the fat you’ve got, and add some more if you can. Starvation could be just around the corner." Animal bodies, including ours, were programmed through eons of evolution. Our hunger mechanisms evolved... and then stopped evolving. Our early ancestors came into a world where food was not always that plentiful and where they had to work hard to get what they could. They hunted and they foraged. They encountered lean periods, during which they had to get by with whatever energy was stored in their fat. Starvation was common, and it was those who stored fat best who survived. We are the descendants of the survivors who were the kings and queens of putting on the pounds.
We now have bodies that, even though we may lose fat, retain all the cells created to store fat – cells that demand to be re-supplied. Our primal body has not accepted the fact that food is now plentiful. We have 400 genes in our DNA geared specifically to maintain weight. Thus, most people who go into weight loss programs drop out; the programs simply demand too much will power to overcome the body’s subconscious demands to keep that weight on. Of those who stay in the programs, most do not lose weight. Of those who do lose weight, most will gain it all back, and usually more poundage on top of that. The conscious brain tells us we would look better, feel better, and run less risk of taking on debilitating and potentially deadly diseases like diabetes mellitus (learn how to prevent diabetes), hypertension, and cardiac problems if we would just lose weight. But the subconscious brain wins over the conscious brain every time. Pass the pizza.
Common Weight Loss Obstacles As if this were not bad enough, there are a host of other factors that make weight loss difficult:
Parental influences dinner with the familyYour American great-grandparents may have lived through difficult times before food became more plentiful and affordable in the 1940’s. They hadn’t much money and were careful to keep wastage to the minimum. They insisted that their children follow their dictum to "clean your plate." The dictum then came down from your grandparents through your parents: Eat everything you’re given. You’re grown up now, food has been plentiful for a long time, it’s quite affordable, you can toss what you haven’t eaten into the garbage, but you’re still eating everything on your plate, whether you need all that food or not. And how about the fact your parents ate few vegetables? Under their influence, you probably don’t eat enough fiber, either. Chances are you prefer to fill up on tastier foods with high fat, high carb, and high caloric content.
Lack of Exercise exerciseFifty years ago, most Americans were employed in factory or farm jobs that involved physical labor. Today, the factories have been replaced by offices where workers sit and stare all day at computer screens. Having done that for about 10 hours, they then go home and keep staring at another computer screen or they watch television. Meanwhile, staring zombie-like at a screen, they eat a dinner they brought home from a fast food joint. Then it’s bedtime, and it starts all over the next day. There simply isn’t time to exercise, and there becomes less and less incentive to do so. Exercise, even in the form of games, is no longer a major part of our children’s lives as it was in grandpa’s day, either. Parks and swimming pools are too few, and physical education has been disappearing from the schools.
Stress The increasing difficulty of coping with a world where jobs are not secure, where jobs provide little personal satisfaction, where they pay too little, and where, on the way home from the job, you never know when some jerk is going to sit down beside you on the bus and blow himself (and you) up – all of this has piled more and more stress on us. This has resulted in anxiety and depression (For more information on anxiety and depression, read The guide to anxiety depression), both of which leave internal holes that cry out to be filled up with food, which makes up for the lack of rewards in other parts of our lives. We then get fatter, and this makes us even more anxious and depressed.
"Strange" Factors Did you know that if you are served smaller portions of a given dish, you will end up eating less? Did you know that putting your food on smaller plates makes you feel like you are eating more than you really are? That’s all to the good. But did you know that, when asked to describe how much we have eaten, most of us generally underestimate the amount? Eating is an activity over which we have less conscious control than we believe.
Unknowns Every day, science learns more about the human body and the way it processes food. New hormones are being discovered, and we don’t yet know what their relationship to digestion might be. We now know, thanks to researchers like Dr. Michael Gershin in New York and Dr. Bill Go in Los Angeles that the intestines have their own nervous system that almost rivals the brain’s, that the gut chemically communicates with the brain, and that it has a major effect on such things as telling us when our food intake has been sufficient and we should stop eating. Science has discovered that gastric bypass surgery does not necessarily cause people to lose weight as a result of making their stomach smaller; nerves are cut during such surgery, and it has been found that this has a great deal to do with curbing hunger – for awhile.
A Good Place to Start eating chipsSo, what can you do? Not a lot, and none of it is guaranteed to make you lose weight.
  1. Use smaller plates, eat smaller portions. (To supress your cravings, read 15 ways to supress your food cravings)
  2. Do not bring junk food into your home.
  3. Eat more veggies.
  4. Eat less meat and eat leaner cuts.
  5. Eat more fish.
  6. eating small disheseating veggieseating fish
  7. Eat more slowly; chew your food more and suck all the flavor out of it before you swallow it.
  8. Eat with others; good conversation improves digestion and makes you eat less.
  9. watching tv while eatingDon’t eat with the TV on.
  10. Make time for more exercise by cutting out some sedentary activities like watching television.
  11. Walk more.
  12. Work to make changes in your community, like more parks and recreation areas.
If all else fails, you might consider a gastric bypass operation; keep in mind, however, that this operation has a fatality rate that might put you off and that only 5 percent who have the operation eventually get down to a normal weight. In summary, weight loss is a highly individual thing. What works for some will not work for others, and we still have not managed to solve the puzzle of overcoming obesity. For more information on this article,

7 Ways to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

Getting rid of stomach fat can often be one of the hardest things to do. Diets, exercise, no matter what is done it stubbornly refuses to go away. Stomach fat can be hard to lose because it is the primary storage area for adipose (fat) tissue and is one of the last places that the body will give up its fat stores.
This means of course that losing stomach fat is not something that can happen quickly. More of a long term approach is needed; and no, long term does not mean years. By using the body's own internal engine, its metabolism, we can burn off that excess stomach fat over a period of time and if our metabolism stays at a higher rate we can keep the fat off.
Here are seven ways you can increase your metabolism and finally get rid of that stomach fat.
1. Get more sleep - 8 hours is the minimum for everyone. Research done into the effects of sleep show that people who get less then 8 hours of sleep have slower metabolisms then those who get a good nights rest. People who do not get enough rest also tend to eat more throughout the day to try and keep their energy levels up.
2. Exercise in the evening - This doesn't have to a full blown workout, just something to get the heart going and the blood flowing. The reason for this is that as the day wears on our metabolic rate declines. This means that we are no longer burning calories as quickly as we were in the morning.
3. Get moving - Anytime you can sneak in any form of physical activity like taking the stairs instead of the elevator you will use extra calories to fuel your activity.
4. Protein is good - Protein can help to stabilize how much insulin in the blood stream. Insulin levels that are to high or low can seriously affect your metabolism.
5. Eat more often - By eating 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day you will keep a steady supply of energy flowing through your body all day long. A constant flow of calories keeps your metabolism rolling. Skipping meals will actually cause a metabolism slow down.
6. Eat healthy - Those 5 or six meals should consist of nutrient rich, high fiber, high protein foods. A healthy diet gives your body everything it needs to run at its optimum level.
7. Resistance training - Lifting weights builds lean muscle mass which in turn requires lots of extra calories just to maintain. This is where resting metabolism is higher, burning extra calories in the process.
The key to getting rid of stomach fat is increasing your metabolism for a total body fat wasting effect. Use these 7 tips to get the firm trim stomach you always wanted.

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

What is that thing that’s been growing around your mid-section since you started college? Is it a beer belly? Is it belly fat? Is it tummy fat? Is it a gut or a beer gut? There are so many names for the fat that builds up around our stomachs, is it any wonder why it’s become a national obsession? But don’t misperceive our obsession with fat as war on fat. A little body fat is actually good for you. It keeps you warm and helps your body maintain a sufficient core temperature and nutrients when we get sick and can’t eat.
Personally, I like the little tummy I have, and I’d rather it stay that way—little. So, I’ve started working out. Evidence is starting to prove the theory that lifting weights (anaerobic exercise, or weight training) and using the Stair Master (aerobic exercise) will help you get rid of that extra weight around your midsection. A healthy diet is also a good idea. So, I’ve summarized here a list of things you should take into consideration if you’re serious about losing that tummy. If you are experiencing stubborn belly fat that never seems to go away, we have an article about that too.

The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

Reducing the amount of calories you consume is the most effective way to get rid of belly fat. Really, when it comes down to it, losing any kind of fat, no matter where it is on your body, requires you to consume less calories than you body needs. This lack of calories will set into motion the processing of excess body fat to make up for the lack of calories. But don’t go all crazy about it. Starving your body of calories is only good to a certain extent, after a point you begin to do damage to important things, like your central nervous system.
There’s a reason they call it a “beer belly,” and drinking less beer, or quitting drinking altogether, will help you lose belly fat. No matter who (or how good looking) the drinker is, beer is bad for a number of reasons. The most obvious reason is the caloric content of beer. The less obvious reasons are the inflammation of the pancreas and liver, and the bloating that often accompany the over-consumption of alcoholic beverages; this includes alcohol mixed with sweet, sugary liquids like soda.
Consuming less food loaded with sugar will help you to lose tummy fat. Sugar is a big one. The sugar found in junk food and soda is the kind of sugar that burns quickly, unlike those sugars found in fruits and vegetables, which burn more slowly. If your body is processing sugar to create energy, and you’re not using any energy, those sugars will be converted into fat for later use. If you’re going to enjoy sweets, enjoy them right before you use the Stair Master.
There’s nothing wrong with strengthening your abdominal muscles, but it won’t get rid of belly fat like magic. You may want to consider not only working out your abs, but also working out your shoulders, pectorals, back, and arms to help create a more shapely “V” figure, which will help reduce the appearance of your belly. Keep this in mind: bulking up your muscles requires fewer reps (about 8) and fewer sets with greater weight. Building leaner muscle requires more reps, more sets, and less weight.
Daily exercise and walking will definitely get rid of belly fat. Going for a walk after a big meal or enjoying a dessert is never a bad idea. When Natasha and I were in Europe, we ate our fair share of delicacies, but we didn’t gain a single pound—in fact, we actually lost weight—because we walked everywhere. We walked from the train station to our hotel, and from our hotel to the restaurant, and from the restaurant to the museums, and from the museums to the…well, you get my point.

Belly Fat Burning Exercises

As I mentioned in section four, there isn’t really an exercise that will get rid of your belly. Certainly, exercising your abdominal muscles is a good idea, because building any kind of lean muscle will improve your body’s ability to process calories more efficiently. The more muscle you have, the more calories you body needs to maintain those muscles. If you keep your caloric intake to a minimum, then your body will start to use the fat on your body for energy, thus reducing the amount of fat hanging from your belly. And strengthening your abdominal muscles will have two effects: first, it helps you build muscles that will help you burn more calories during the course of the day, and second, larger abdominal muscles tend to stretch the skin around them, tightening your belly and reducing the amount of belly that sags over your waist line.
But here’s the catch: only working your abdominal muscles isn’t going to do much for you. You should definitely consider joining a gym and working on a weight lifting routine that works as many of your muscle groups as possible, and a daily aerobic routine to help you burn the fat you already have.

10 Top Exercises to Lose Weight …

Just as eating healthy, it’s important to do some exercise as well. The best exercises will contain a cardio aspect and a toning aspect, as this will allow you to see the results fastest. Here are my top 10 weight loss exercises, and how many calories they burn

1. Step Aerobics …

Calories Burnt: 800 cal/hr This mainly targets your legs, hips and bum, which are often the areas that women most want to tone. Doing an hour a day, split into two half an hour sessions, will ensure that you see results within 2 weeks. If you aren’t sure how to do these, check out 7 Best Ab Exercises. Another very similar exercise is bench presses, which go very well in sets with step aerobics. I found it really hard to do them to start with, so make sure you’re doing them right or you’ll see no results!

2. Bicycling …

Calories Burnt: 500 – 1000 cal/hr Depending on how fast you go, this can be a real calorie burner. Riding outside is always enjoyable, but if you’re a little more time restricted, invest in a good quality exercise bike. This is my favorite calorie burner, because it’s so easy to do.  How about riding while watching the TV? I find that cycling through Eastenders keeps me distracted, but working hard. In case you prefer to ride outside, make sure you take a look at this post called How to Not Get Hit by Cars When Bicycling.  Just in case…

3. Swimming …

Calories Burnt: 800 cals/hr Doing lengths up and down the pool for an hour will burn off 800 calories, and also tone almost all of your body. Stay motivated by giving yourself half an hour extra to make use of the Jacuzzi when you’ve finished!

4. Racquetball …

Calories Burnt: 800 cals/hr The side to side running involved in this is a great cardio workout, and will also help to tone your thighs and legs. I also find this to be much more sociable, which keeps me working out for longer and stops me skiving my gym sessions!

5. Elliptical Burner …

Calories Burnt: 600 cals/hr This is brilliant cardio, and also helps to build strong muscles, as well as toning the stomach. I personally find Elliptical Burner really boring, so I split my session into ten minute bursts and do them throughout the day, and I find that listening to some upbeat music really helps as well.
*8 Best Workouts for Women in their 30’s …

6. Rowing …

Calories Burnt: 500 – 600 cals/hr Rowing is a brilliant way to tone your arms, and is also very good fun. Get involved with the local rowing club and you’ll get to try it for free, or simply use the rowing machine at the gym. As well as building arm muscle, you’ll also burn calories and get an incredible workout.

7. Walking …

Calories Burnt: 360 cals/hr The easiest exercise, brisk walking is a great cardio workout and will also help to tone legs, stomach and hips. Sprinting, walking across hills or walking uphill will add to the amount of calories burnt, and walking tends to be very easy to fit into daily life. Just walking to the train station has made me so much fitter, and it really wakes me up going for a brisk walk in the morning. Check out Hate Running? Get Fit Walking! for the detailed walking workout!

8. Dancing …

Calories Burnt: 600/800 cal/hr This targets all over your body, and is an excellent work out. I frequently put a music channel on and dance around, as well as burning calories I also find that it’s a great stress reliever! Just make sure you stay active, and try and keep going for at least an hour! If you want to learn some new sexy moves while you are at it, you might want to check out Dancing DVDs reviewed in this post: Do Your Dance Moves Need A Makeover?

9. Exercise DVDs …

Calories Burnt: 300/500 cals/hr While these come under a lot of different headings, some exercise DVDs do actually help you to lose weight and tone up. Find a high energy one, and try and do it once a day. As well as burning calories and toning up, you’ll also feel much fitter. My personal favourite is “Pump It Up”, because the music keeps me motivated!

10. Horse Riding …

Calories Burnt: 200-600 cal/hr This one may be slightly harder to arrange, but going horse riding once a week is one of the best ways to stay fit, healthy and enjoy nature. The view from up there is so amazing, you won’t notice that your toning your butt, abs and thighs, and burning calories while your at it! You’d be surprised at how cheap it can be to arrange a session once a weekend, and if your feeling extra fit you could even cycle to the stables! Check out these 7 Riding Tips for more information…

10 Ultimate Rules for Losing Weight Fast …

It’s been a long, hot summer, and I for one am glad to be putting my bikini in winter storage. If you’re like me, you didn’t lose that pesky five pounds like you meant to this summer, and the idea of a hard-core diet or work-out is the furthest thing from your mind.
But we can still look great for those holiday parties, which are now exactly 11 weekends away, without sacrificing that hot cider, Halloween candy, and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving, right? So here’s how, girls:

1. Drink lots of water

The average adult ought to be drinking 64 ounces (or 8 small glasses) of water every day, but most of us don’t even come close to that. Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go, and drink from it often, and not only will you lose a few pounds, your skin will glow, too.  Don’t think it’ll work?  Then you just’ve got to read these 10 Ways How Water Helps You to Lose Weight …

2. Eat your 5 servings of fruits and veggies every day

We all know an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but five servings of fruits and veggies will keep the “muffin top” away. Instead of grabbing a bag of chips for lunch, try baby carrots or fresh green beans.  Need more fruit-veggy ideas?  Make sure you take a look at this 50 Healthiest Foods: An Ultimate Grocery Shopping List for Losing Weight.  I always cary a printed version in my bag, you know, to make sure I get my family the healthiest and most beneficial food there is.

3. Watch your portion size

Remember, a serving of chicken or beef shouldn’t be any larger than the size of a deck of cards, not as big as a dinner plate. At the beginning of a meal, cut out the right size portion, and eat only that. Take the rest home for lunch the next day.  BTW, small blue plates go as #1 must-have in the 10 Things You Need for Fast Weight Loss list.

4. Leave a little room for dessert

It’s completely unreasonable to take all the joy out of eating. If you’re craving a Butterfinger instead of broccoli, indulge in a baby-sized candy bar once in a while. It’s okay.  Or better yet, check out these 10 Delicious Desserts with Least Calories to see what you can treat yourself too on those days when you are being a good girl! (;

5. Take the stairs

A little exercise can go a long way. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and park as far away as you can.  Like these ideas?  Check out these 10 Ways to Burn More Calories during the Day that might just save you from going to the gym at night!

6. Watch out for sugary drinks

Experts say by cutting out one soft drink per day, you can cut out more than 90,000 calories in a year. Watch out for sugar-filled sports drinks and juices, too. Try bottled water instead.  Not yet persuaded?  Read more about sodas in 7 Fastest Ways to Lose Weight …

7. Keep a food journal

Once you start recording everything you eat in a day, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to see where you can make improvements in your eating habits. Five straight days of grabbing a cheese Danish and a venti Mocha for breakfast, with Doritos and a Diet Coke for lunch? Really?  If you have never done it before, check out these tips by our experienced weight loser and fellow-blogger Katie to make sure you get your food journal right: 12 Tips on How to Keep a Food Journal …

8. Find a diet buddy

Who wants to walk around the block or hit the gym alone? Find a work-out buddy with similar goals, and encourage each-other.

9. Read labels

I know those nutrition information labels can be confusing, but there are a few really obvious things on those labels to look out for. Keep an eye on the fat, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup.  Not sure how exactly to do that?  Then read these easy 10 Tips on How to Read Food Labels and shop like a pro the next time you go to your grocery’s!

10. Find alternatives

If you’re a fast-food junkie and just can’t bear to part with your beloved Taco Bell, find a healthier alternative to the Chalupa and Gordita. How about a fresco-style chicken or steak soft taco instead?
Keep these healthy-eating tips in mind and you’ll rock that slinky red velvet dress by the time the office holiday party rolls around. And if you hold onto these new habits, you won’t even need to worry about next year’s bikini season.

7 Fastest Ways to Lose Weight …

I was always wondering if there were certain rules of a fast yet healthy weight loss.
And after doing some serious browsing, I got an answer for you – Yes, there actually are such ways!
In fact, there are 7 of them. And they all look pretty simple!
Do you think you can manage them?

1. Drink water …

No, you don’t have to fill up like a tub, but ensure that you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Don’t substitute for juice. Your body should always be hydrated. Your kidneys will thank you as it can easily flush out the waste. With adequate water intake your body will be able to metabolize fat more effectively.  And if you have a glass of water 10-15 minutes prior to your meal, you will feel full once you start eating.  Another fun fact, did you know that you can lose 62 calories by drinking ice cold water?  But it’s better to drink it between meals or before meals, so that your food gets digested properly.
Check out the 10 Ways How Water Helps You to Lose Weight … for more details.

2. Eat 5 times a day …

Start with breakfast. The more you eat for breakfast, the less food you will want to eat at night.  Please, don’t skip this meal as you’ll end up devouring everything in sight for the rest of the day. You don’t need to gobble up 5 large meals, just 3 meals of a sensible size and 2 delicious yet low calorie snacks. Eat sensibly so your body doesn’t crave for food. If you treat your body right it won’t demand for more attention!
Read these 5 Tips on Eating More Often and Losing Weight … for more.

3. Use weights …

Needless to say, exercise is crucial to weight loss. You can’t expect to sit on the couch all day, sip water and lose weight. Join a good gym that lets you work with weights. It will help you build muscle and your metabolism rate will increase. You’ll soon see the fat come off and in its place muscle will develop.

4. Use smaller plates in dark colors …

The hotel industry has changed the way we look at food. Today a regular burger can feed an elephant. Well, almost! Check your portions the next time you dine out. You don’t need to finish every morsel.  So, what you should do is ask your waiter to put half of your meal into a doggy bag before it even makes to the table.  This way you will not be tempted and you will feel full eating less.  And you will have something for breakfast too!
Learn more about how to use colors to lose weight for an even more successful and faster diet!
Check also these 10 Easy Weight Loss Rules
When eating at home, it’s better to get rid of the huge plates you usually use.  Substitute them with small ones – when food starts to fall off, you’ll know it’s enough.  Try to get these new plates in dark colors.  Dark blue will be your best choice since it’s the #1 color that fights off the appetite (just look at the picture above, I already can’t even think about food).  Avoid red, orange and yellow in your dining area – they are the ones making your appetite go sky high!  (Think McDonalds’ logo and you’ll do fine – do you think the colors they use were random?)

5. Read between the lines …

Food and drink products are all out to get you. They scream ‘Buy me! Buy me!’. It could be ‘fat free’ but it could still have a lot of calories. You need to analyze the nutrition label on the cover.  The number one example of this is sodas.  Find out what’s good for you and what isn’t. Knowing in advance can help you stay away from products that are calorie-enriched.  Oh, and when shopping for groceries, avoid the aisles with cookies, frozen pizzas and ice-cream – it’s not the best place to test your will-power.
See these 10 Tips on How to Read Food Labels …

6. Keep a journal …

It helps to document what you eat. This way you can keep track and evaluate your eating habits at the end of each week. And if you’re a little more tech-savvy, then you could always maintain a weight-loss blog. Ask your dietician to look at your journal and suggest improvement points.  I found it helpful to measure myself with a meter every morning.  Every time I skipped dinner, my waist was a little bit smaller – and that’s what gave me the strength to get my appetite under control.
Check out 12 Tips on How to Keep a Food Journal … for the ideas.

7. Don’t punish yourself …

Go easy on yourself at least one day in a week. If you begin to dislike your diet then there’s something wrong. Find a diet that suits your body type and your lifestyle.
You will definitely see results with these 7 fastest ways to lose weight. If you’re motivated enough to stick to the regime, you’ll get there faster than ever!  Stay committed!
I can’t wait to hear from you about your weight-loss learnings, guys!  And if you know other great ways to loose weight, please share them in the comments, I’d love to hear how you tackle the weight problem!

Body Fat Incinerator


How to turn yourself into a Body Fat Incinerator origianlly started out as a list of nutritional changes that you could make to send your metabolism into overdrive and melt body fat like it was going out of fashion.
I have since expanded on it to become a Full Nutrition, Lifestyle, Exercise and Fitness program containing everything you need to do to shed body fat and get the body you desire safely and efficiently. All the information contained here is the same i would give my Personal Training Clients, the only difference being you will need to implement them without my close supervision.

You’re Not Alone

This does not mean you will do it alone, we can and will do it together. I am available via email, the forums or if you leave a comment on any of the posts. I will also design any Fitness Program that you require should it not be available to you on UK Fitness Blog
Every part of How to turn yourself into a Body Fat Incinerator is important, there is no one single change you can make that will melt the body fat you have from your body, it is a combination of small factors that when put together will strip the Fat from your Body.
If you follow my advice and make these changes, you will benefit from efficient, safe and maintainable Fat Loss, not only that, you will be able to keep it Off when you have hit your required weight and body fat percentage.
As i mentioned i am still expanding How to turn yourself into a Body Fat Incinerator, i will add sections to make it more understandable depending on your input and how i feel fit. But be assured now it is complete, everything you need to end your Overweight or Obese Lifestyle is here on these pages and if it isn’t it will be. You will have my support and encouragement every step of the way!
Welcome to the Nutrition Section of How to turn yourself into a Body Fat Incinerator, your free online resource to reach your fitness goals.
Nutrition is by far the most important factor affecting you when it comes to fat loss. The simple fact is there could be a whole host of reasons why you are overweight or obese and i will cover them all throughout The Course however the main reason for most people is Nutrition.

Its not all about eating too much

When it comes to Obesity, being overweight and Nutrition, eating too much is not the only factor involved, the quality of your food, the kinds of food and quite often what foods we eat in combination can all affect fat loss or gain.
The Nutrition Section contains the most important nutritional factors that affect Fat Loss. I am currently expanding on these to give you the understanding of why they are the most important. Please understand that These Nutritional Factors are the most influencial on your Fat Loss success, Follow them and you will Succeed. Get them wrong and all your training and lifestyle changes will be hampered severly.
If you are just here for the Nutrition For Fat Loss Tips and do not want to go into the background information the Nutritional Factors most important to Fat Loss have a star next to them (*)

The Benefits of Exercise Hurt

You’re swollen and have been limping around for days. Muscles that you didn’t even know existed are clearly not happy with you.
This is definitely not a benefit of exercise for most; however, it’s something you should be prepared for. Well, sort of. The no pain, no gain slogan is not exactly accurate. For instance, there should never be any sharp, shooting pains or popping with any exercises that you do period. Also, if you stay sore for more than a week you should probably get checked out by a medical pro or the family doc. I know, I’m not making exercise sound that appealing at this point.
The reality is you need to be patient. Muscle soreness will improve with time and you should really start with a routine that is manageable and that you enjoy at least a little. Otherwise, are you going to keep this physical abuse that we call exercising up long-term? Probably not.
Well, I pretty much addressed all the negatives of starting an exercise plan and with so many, why else do weekend worries, the fitness obsesses (you know who you are) and everyday people (like my mom) choose to follow a regular exercise plan? The answer is simple; the benefits of exercise well outweigh the cons (pun intended) and are worth every one of your sweaty sacrifices. Here’s why!
Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Well then, you need to exercise regularly. You need to exercise your major organs as well as the major muscle groups. Many people ignore the organs as they think that exercise just focuses on muscles.  With that said, let’s start with debatably your most important organ, the heart.
The key is to work your heart with aerobic exercises. For those that do not know, “aerobic” is a state when your body required more oxygen to function. You can make this happen by taking part in cardiovascular activities like running, sports or a fitness class. You see, its aerobic activity that can help strengthens the heart muscles and reduces the stress on the arteries. This will also lower your blood pressure and resting heart rate. In fact, long distance runners have the lowest resting heart rates of anyone. This is because they are consistently working their heart.
On top of the most important aspect of heart health, you will also maintain a healthier bodyweight when you exercise regularly. Excess fat is something that will raise your blood pressure and stress the heart. Not only this, but chances are you will feel much better about yourself when you have a lean, fit and healthy body.
Recommendations for Aerobic Exercise
The recommendation is that you exercise in an aerobic manner at least three to five times per week. This could consist of a 30 to 45 minute walk, a short run, a session on the rowing machine or swimming. There are many ways that you can exercise in a healthy manner. When you train your aerobic system, you should aim to raise your heart rate for around twenty to thirty minutes and keep it there.
Now, let’s move on to the grunting and groaning section, anaerobic exercise.
The Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises
With your cardio routine now in place, you should also do some form of anaerobic exercise (strength training) two to three times per week. The best way to do anaerobic exercise is with weight training. Research has shown that people who regularly lift weights lower their blood pressure, increase their strength and improve their overall metabolic rate. These changes can lead to improvements in your posture, bone density, and even decrease your likelihood of weight gain in the future. Not to mention all the other numerous benefits.
Beginner Recommendations for Anaerobic Exercises
When you first start lifting weights, go at a steady pace so that you can train again later in a few days. Don’t start off with hours of training and very heavy weights, as you will be sore for many days later and this can lead to you burning out early. Start off slow and find a routine that not only fits into your lifestyle, but that you enjoy like we talked about earlier.
In addition to when you begin, select heavier weights that are challenging for around 12-15 total reps. Also, you really only need one all out set to stimulate your muscles enough to change. Your total weight training workout should be 30 minutes or less for beginners. Not a lot is needed when you get started. Keep it simple.
It’s pretty obvious that by training one system like your heart or muscles that you will be benefiting another. They have a dependent relationship on one another, so why could we not do this with exercise selection? You can.
Combining Exercises
Besides the usual forms of cardio and weight training, you can also engage in other forms of exercise. Take toga for example. Yoga or dance classes are a great way to get fit and use all of your muscles in a single class. I’m sure you can think of tons more. The real key is finding the exercises that work best for you and your everyday life. That way you stick with it for the long haul. As the old, cliché saying goes, “Rome was not build overnight”.
As you can see, there are many great benefits to exercise. To take advantage of them and to stick with it long-term, you need to devise a regular training program that you find fun and exciting, and that fits into your day to day schedule. You will then be much healthier, happier and fit. Despite a few days of aches and pains, we both know it’s very well worth it.
What We Will Never Do
We will never sell pills that promise to rid your body of all toxins and have you losing 5 pounds daily without changing a thing in your diet or activity level. We are certified nutrition and fitness experts that design customized nutrition and exercise routines based on current research and an individual’s specific goals.

The best way to lose weight

We don't mean to sound warlike, but when it comes to dieting you have to have a plan of attack, and stick with it, and by the end of it you will be quoting the A Team's Colonel with a big smile on your face - "I love it when a plan comes together" - and old George Peppard will be giving you a hearty slap on the back for tackling that most toughest of enemies - fat! - and winning.
But you will have won not because you chose a fad diet or went on some bonkers fast weight loss program, but because you had a plan...a long-term plan. Rome wasn't built in a day, so they say, and neither was the Hollywood set of the movie Ben Hur. Rome was real, and lasted for hundreds of years. The set of Ben Hur may have been torn down after its use - but the movie lives on, and has been a film favorite for over 50 years.
The point is, there is reality, and there is fantasy - yet both can have long lasting life. If you are looking to lose weight because the reality is you need to, then it doesn't have to be a fantasy that you will slim down to your dream size. It is achievable if you adopt a sensible mindset about it. The best way to lose weight? Think long term, not short term, and you won't be disappointed. Some diet experts call it the False Hope Syndrome, when people have unrealistic expectations about how long it will take to shift that extra poundage. That's why they are lured by the quick-fix diet fads that proliferate the universe with the promise of instantaneous results. But that is all they are, shallow, instant fixes devoid of meaning. In fact, the only thing that will go for good if you fall for these whims is the money in your purse. Certainly it won't be the weight that disappears forever.

That's where the title of this piece comes in: "Lose It Slowly, Keep It Off."

And that's why we have adopted it as the title, because it is the only truly proven method to attain permanent, long lasting control of your weight. It truly is the best way to lose weight! And it works because thinking long term prevents the dieter from becoming depressed, and despondent about their lack of success if they have followed a short-term fad, realized it's hopeless, and then decided that they are never going to bother ever again.
What every dieter needs to do is look at the bigger picture of a thinner you that is achieved over a few months rather than a couple of weeks, and the wait, and work, will be even more worth it. This is true, meaningful dieting.
Health experts are generally of the opinion that a realistic weight loss target is 5 to 10 percent of your start weight. So, for instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, then you should be aiming to lose between 10 to 20 pounds (which is no mean feat when you think about it). But you should be happy to lose all that gradually. Aim for 1 to 2 pounds a week, and within 10 weeks you will have reached your target. Doesn't sound so bad now, does it?
The main point to remember is that we are talking about reaching a desired weight, and then being able to keep it there, and maintaining that level. When you have reached a set weight you are now in control of it. And you will have gained control of your weight because you have worked to reach that level with a good, sustainable diet that has still given you all the vital benefits of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and all the myriad other nutrients that the body needs, and can only properly get from food.
But before you start to hesitate, and sigh heavily that 10 weeks still sounds like a long time, think about this - there is nothing to say that you can't set yourself short-term goals within the long-term plan. In fact this is a great motivational thing to do, and will inspire you to continue your journey to a happier you. Being happy to shed the 1 to 2 pounds a week should be encouraging enough, or even managing to just not eat as much as you once were is to be applauded. After all they are 'mini milestones,' and are achievements worth celebrating (but we don't mean with a Mars Bar!) Logging your successes in a journal is also another way of marking the achievements you are making. And of course, what is really happening here, is that you are beginning to adopt a new way of thinking about yourself and the way you look after your body. You are making a huge lifestyle change, and that is worth celebrating too because changing ones ways is not at all easy. It takes courage, determination, commitment, desire, and will power.
Let's be frank - crushing bad habits takes guts!
Okay, that's settled then, you are going to diet, and you are going to adopt the long-term mindset, with short-term goals because you now know this is the best way to lose weight and diet.
So what's next?
Top Diet Foods & Dieting Basics
Well, it leads us nicely to the lovely subject of food, and what the best foods are for the determined dieter in for the long haul. But that's the beauty of going for the long-term doable target - your choice of foods will probably differ only very slightly from your normal choice. At least it won't be cabbage soup every day for the next seven days, or a two week regime of nothing but lemonade. With the aid of a bit of thought, and the help of a good nutritionist, you can be enjoying proper food without the addition of drastic measures of shakes, and pills, and other oddities that are just foreign, and unnatural for our bodies.
Quite simply, the basic in dieting to lose weight - and keeping the weight off - involves eating a healthy balanced diet comprising plenty of fruit, fresh vegetables, starchy foods, and eliminating as much sugar, and fat as possible, as well as endeavoring to become more physically active. Hold on, you are thinking, starchy foods? Aren't they fattening? Well, no actually they are not. Gram for gram, starchy foods contain less than half the calories of's the things you use during the cooking or serving of these starchy foods that needs to be watched because it's these extra 'others' that cause the trouble (like cooking with lots of butter).
For some dieting might seem like it takes super human strength of mind, but there are some foods that can help to make the journey less lonely - and that is the foods called, appropriately enough, super foods. These foods are given super status because they are packed with more antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber than other foods. Apples, broccoli, nuts, berries (particularly cranberries, blueberries, acai berries), oats, and most fish are seen by as experts as being super-packed with valuable nutrients, thus making them super healthy for us, and some of them certainly should be featured more highly when planning our diet. But on the whole, everyone should be aiming to eat 5 portions of vegetables and fruit every day as part of their healthy eating way of life. These are most important of all, as all plant-based foods are naturally rich in fiber. And why is fiber so important? Because fibrous foods take longer to digest, which means we remain fuller, which in turn helps suppress hunger.
Whichever way you look at it - dieting is all about eating less, as well as eating more healthily and exercising more regularly.
Other sources of food high in fiber will be those that are made from wholegrain, so certain bread, pasta, rice, cereals, that you decide to eat should be wholegrain, and not the refined 'white' variety. As for fish, it is the 'oily' type such as mackerel, sardine, tuna, salmon, pilchards, and eel that are good for us as they have Omega 3 fatty acids. Again, these types of fish are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and protein. But if you are worried about the environmental impact of eating fish, and then ease your conscience by varying the type you eat. It might help.
Now, crunch time. What does eating healthier foods entail? Eating less of the bad foods that have made us want to start losing weight. Weight is caused by eating foods that contain too many calories and fat. We need to cut that out. Now! And that means saying 'bye-bye' to fast food junk, pies, cakes, pastries, processed meats, and fatty meats. The best way to check how much saturated fat you might be eating is to check food labels. Most will tell you, and if you remember that high saturated fat content is anything with 5 grams of fat per 100 grams. The number 5 may not seem a significant number, but it can be highly harmful in this case. On a more general level, you can also check how much total fat you will be eating by checking food labels, and anything that has more than 20g per 100g is considered high and should be avoided. It is also important to remember that a bit of fat is okay. There are good fats, as in the fatty fish oil, so it is not wise to avoid them altogether. Your body needs them!
Eating less salt is also a basic requirement of any diet. In fact adults should not consume more than 6g per day. Again, checking labels will help you cut down on salt, as you will be surprised how much salt you might be eating without realizing it. Anything over 1.5g is regarded as high by medical experts. A low level is put at 0.3g. It is important to cut down on salt, as it is a leading contributor to high blood pressure, which causes heart disease, and heart attacks.
That is basically it as far as initial dietary matters go, but, in fact, the whole area of diets, health and fitness, is a complex one with many factors to take into consideration. It is so complex that if you are thinking of embarking on a new health and fitness regime, it is probably a good idea to seek advice from your doctor, or nutritional expert, or other healthcare professional.
Of course, dieting is not all about simply eating better. The food we eat, calories, and the amounts we eat are the crucial cornerstones to any long-term diet plan - but running gently alongside the healthy food is a healthy regime of exercise to make the most of the positive impact the new foods we are feeding our bodies is having. Regular exercise is a must because eating food alone will not get the heart pumping, and help the good blood circulate and pass on the goodness of the nutrients in the food to our vital organs. And just as important is the strengthening of muscle. Keeping muscles strong helps general body mass, which in turn helps to rid the body of unwanted fats.
Eating healthily and combining that with a good regime of exercise is the secret to controlling your weight, and enjoying an overall sense of health, and well-being. But organizing this plan by yourself can be quite daunting given the extremely complex nature of, well, the human nature of our bodies, hearts, and minds.
That's why we have our team of expert nutritionists and fitness coaches on standby at We are here to help formulate the individual diet plan that you are looking for, because we know that everyone is different, and requires individual attention. At you get the best of both worlds - a carefully prepared set of meal plans and a structured fitness schedule, all from the one professional team. Fighting fat together - Colonel Peppard would be proud of us!

How to lose wieght and get beautifull body in few weaks.........!

Losing fat has become the obsession for millions of Americans and yet, so many people go about it in the wrong way.
I am sure you have heard it before; to lose fat you must diet and exercise. But I am not just going to tell you this, I am going to include a "twist" that many weight loss gurus fail to mention.
You see, it is not merely eating the wrong foods that has made you fat. Even eating the right foods can make you fat if you eat too much of it. Losing fat is about achieving a caloric deficit by eating more of the right foods and less or none of the bad food.
"Caloric deficit" are the key words because you because unless your intake of calories is less than what you burn, you'll not lose weight. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard an overweight relative say that he has eliminated meat from his diet. And what does he then turn around and do, consume a diet mainly of refined carbs such as biscuits, chips, white bread etc to compensate for the lack of protein.
So one the one hand, he has cut calories by eating less protein but on the other he has probably surpassed his ideal caloric intake by eating too many refined carbs. It is akin to a man saying he has stop smoking cigarettes but then turned around and started smoking cocaine.
Another important twist in losing fat is to look at the source of your calories. The "source" will influence your body to burn fat or store fat. Lean protein is a fat-burning and muscle building food. Why do you think body builders try to get enough of it?
Eating refined carbohydrates, such as your white bread and white rice will more likely lead your body to fat storage than lean protein. Why? Consider this.
When you eat say 100 calories from a refined carb source, your body uses up 3 calories to digest that food. So your net caloric intake is 97 calories. But if you get 100 calories from lean protein, your body will burn 30 calories to digest it. So you net caloric in take is just 70.
So don't just think about cutting out foods here and there, think about your overall caloric deficit and the source of the calories. When you do this, losing fat becomes easier

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