Thursday 31 March 2011

The Benefits of Exercise Hurt

You’re swollen and have been limping around for days. Muscles that you didn’t even know existed are clearly not happy with you.
This is definitely not a benefit of exercise for most; however, it’s something you should be prepared for. Well, sort of. The no pain, no gain slogan is not exactly accurate. For instance, there should never be any sharp, shooting pains or popping with any exercises that you do period. Also, if you stay sore for more than a week you should probably get checked out by a medical pro or the family doc. I know, I’m not making exercise sound that appealing at this point.
The reality is you need to be patient. Muscle soreness will improve with time and you should really start with a routine that is manageable and that you enjoy at least a little. Otherwise, are you going to keep this physical abuse that we call exercising up long-term? Probably not.
Well, I pretty much addressed all the negatives of starting an exercise plan and with so many, why else do weekend worries, the fitness obsesses (you know who you are) and everyday people (like my mom) choose to follow a regular exercise plan? The answer is simple; the benefits of exercise well outweigh the cons (pun intended) and are worth every one of your sweaty sacrifices. Here’s why!
Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Well then, you need to exercise regularly. You need to exercise your major organs as well as the major muscle groups. Many people ignore the organs as they think that exercise just focuses on muscles.  With that said, let’s start with debatably your most important organ, the heart.
The key is to work your heart with aerobic exercises. For those that do not know, “aerobic” is a state when your body required more oxygen to function. You can make this happen by taking part in cardiovascular activities like running, sports or a fitness class. You see, its aerobic activity that can help strengthens the heart muscles and reduces the stress on the arteries. This will also lower your blood pressure and resting heart rate. In fact, long distance runners have the lowest resting heart rates of anyone. This is because they are consistently working their heart.
On top of the most important aspect of heart health, you will also maintain a healthier bodyweight when you exercise regularly. Excess fat is something that will raise your blood pressure and stress the heart. Not only this, but chances are you will feel much better about yourself when you have a lean, fit and healthy body.
Recommendations for Aerobic Exercise
The recommendation is that you exercise in an aerobic manner at least three to five times per week. This could consist of a 30 to 45 minute walk, a short run, a session on the rowing machine or swimming. There are many ways that you can exercise in a healthy manner. When you train your aerobic system, you should aim to raise your heart rate for around twenty to thirty minutes and keep it there.
Now, let’s move on to the grunting and groaning section, anaerobic exercise.
The Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises
With your cardio routine now in place, you should also do some form of anaerobic exercise (strength training) two to three times per week. The best way to do anaerobic exercise is with weight training. Research has shown that people who regularly lift weights lower their blood pressure, increase their strength and improve their overall metabolic rate. These changes can lead to improvements in your posture, bone density, and even decrease your likelihood of weight gain in the future. Not to mention all the other numerous benefits.
Beginner Recommendations for Anaerobic Exercises
When you first start lifting weights, go at a steady pace so that you can train again later in a few days. Don’t start off with hours of training and very heavy weights, as you will be sore for many days later and this can lead to you burning out early. Start off slow and find a routine that not only fits into your lifestyle, but that you enjoy like we talked about earlier.
In addition to when you begin, select heavier weights that are challenging for around 12-15 total reps. Also, you really only need one all out set to stimulate your muscles enough to change. Your total weight training workout should be 30 minutes or less for beginners. Not a lot is needed when you get started. Keep it simple.
It’s pretty obvious that by training one system like your heart or muscles that you will be benefiting another. They have a dependent relationship on one another, so why could we not do this with exercise selection? You can.
Combining Exercises
Besides the usual forms of cardio and weight training, you can also engage in other forms of exercise. Take toga for example. Yoga or dance classes are a great way to get fit and use all of your muscles in a single class. I’m sure you can think of tons more. The real key is finding the exercises that work best for you and your everyday life. That way you stick with it for the long haul. As the old, cliché saying goes, “Rome was not build overnight”.
As you can see, there are many great benefits to exercise. To take advantage of them and to stick with it long-term, you need to devise a regular training program that you find fun and exciting, and that fits into your day to day schedule. You will then be much healthier, happier and fit. Despite a few days of aches and pains, we both know it’s very well worth it.
What We Will Never Do
We will never sell pills that promise to rid your body of all toxins and have you losing 5 pounds daily without changing a thing in your diet or activity level. We are certified nutrition and fitness experts that design customized nutrition and exercise routines based on current research and an individual’s specific goals.

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